Mid Florida DX Association

Mid Florida DX Association
 is an ARRL Affiliated Club
QSL Direct or via Bureau ONLY.
No E-QSL accepted or sent.
QSL Manager

Solar & Geomagnetic Conditions

New US Amateur Bands Chart effective 2.24.2007

Thank you making this a Special Event in Dan's Memory.
Tony N2MFT.

Special Event Station
Honeymoon Island IOTA NA-034
2003 Honeymoon Island
March 17, 2007
09:00 - 1500 local
Google map location

Vice President
Founder & 1st Club President


The Mid Florida DX Association will be holding a Special Event Station in memory of Founder and 1st Club President Dan W2NDP SK. Dan became a SK in August 2006.  Dan was an avid DXer for over 45 years.  His loss is felt by to the entire Amateur community locally and world wide. 

He was proud to be from 2 land. So the Special Event call of N2D, Now 2 Dan, fits perfectly.

One of his goals besides forming a DX Club was to become a DXCC Card Checker. This goal was achieved in 2006.

Dan & Tony N2MFT formed the MFDXA in 2005 to encourage more HF operations from the many licensed Amateurs in Florida.  The wealth of knowledge gained over so many years operating has helped many Amateurs gain an understand of HF.  He was a teacher before retiring so he felt very comfortable talking to many people. 

Dan started operating Honeymoon Island in 2003 while a member of STARC (Sheriff's Tactical Amateur Radio Communications).  Later Dan and several other members operated from Gasparilla Island NA069 in addition to Honeymoon Island NA034.

Dan was also a VE. Below is an email for the ARRL-VEC
Please know that the ARRL VEC department was very fond of Dan, W2NDP.

Dan was initially accredited as a VE with the ARRL on 03/24/1999 and he had participated 78 exam sessions.

We appreciated his dedication and volunteerism to the Amateur Radio Community and think this is touching that you would honor his memory in this way.

73, Maria AB1FM

Maria Somma, AB1FM
ARRL/VEC Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
2003 NA034 Cold and windy Day
2003 Honeymoon Island NA034

NA069 2004
2004 Gasparilla Island NA069 USI FL034S
2006 NA034
2005 Honeymoon Island NA034 USI FL017S
2006 NA034
2006 Dan working a pile up

In 2005 after forming the MFDXA Honeymoon Island became an annual operating event each year.

MFDXA members will be on the air starting at 1300 UTC till 1900 UTC on 14260 or 21260.

For the US Islands program the Honeymoon Island is also know as FL017S.

To receive a full color QSL send a SASE to:
Mid Florida DX Association
PO BOX 341471
TAMPA FL 33694-1471

Stateside include a SASE. International include a IRC or GS.  No E-QSL or LOTW please.